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I due maghi del pallone est un film de genre Comédie réalisé par Mariano Laurenti avec Ciccio Ingrassia

I due maghi del pallone (1970)

I due maghi del pallone
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Durée 1h35
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie
Themes Sport,    Football,    Buddy movie
Note54% 2.7024052.7024052.7024052.7024052.702405

I due maghi del pallone est un film italien réalise par Mariano Laurenti et sorti en 1970.


Ciccio Ingrassetti is the PR of a milanese pharmaceutical firm which is trying to promote its products through the football team of its sicilian branch. To guarantee success, the owner asks Ciccio to secure the talents of an innovative coach, a "magician" (just like Inter Milan coach Helenio Herrera was dubbed at the time). Ciccio, totally unaware of the subtleties of football (but wary to confess his ignorance of the matter to his boss) misinterprets his orders and hires K.K., an impostor 'clairvoyant' who actually tries to help the team through his 'spells'. Hijinks and mishaps soon ensue.


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Source : Wikidata


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