John and Yoko: A Love Story is a 1985 television drama that chronicles the lives of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, beginning just before they met in 1966 and concluding with Lennon's murder in 1980. The movie was made with the co-operation of Yoko Ono, who controlled the song rights.Synopsis
The film opens in August 1966, where just before The Beatles begin their next American Concert in Memphis, Tennessee for their fourth American tour, people gather with the Ku Klux Klan to burn their Beatles material including records, and much more merchandise, due to John saying that The Beatles were more popular than Jesus. After a firecracker is thrown onto the stage during the performance of the song "Help!", the group decides to stop touring, and for a second reason it is because they are fed up with not hearing any music they perform on stage due to the fans' constant screaming.