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Kohinoor est un film avec Dilip Kumar

Kohinoor (1960)

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Durée 2h31
Note67% 3.376163.376163.376163.376163.37616

Kohinoor is a 1960 Bollywood film produced by Dr V. N. Sinha and directed by S U Sunny. The film stars Dilip Kumar, Meena Kumari, Leela Chitnis and Kumkum. The films music is by Naushad.

It is said that Dilip Kumar went into depression after playing tragic roles in films such as Devdas and his psychiatrist recommended to do light roles. One such role that he took up was Kohinoor. Kohinoor cast Dilip Kumar and Meena Kumari to play a prince and princess of different kingdoms and was full of sword fights, songs and dances. This film is also notable for some rare comical and funny scenes by Meena Kumari, who is otherwise known as tragedy queen. Its tone was light and it lacked the intense characterisations of their earlier films. It was a major hit of the year.


After the passing of Maharaj Dhiraj Rana Chandrabhan of Kailash Nagar, the Senapati, Veer Singh, crowns Rajkumar Dhivendra Pratap Bahadur Chandrabhan as the next King. Veer's wife, who has brought up Dhivendra like her own son, Surinder, would like Dhivendra to get married to Rajkumari Chandramukhi of Rajgarh. The Maharaja of Rajgarh is pleased to hear of this, and asks his daughter to set forth to Kailash Nagar. On the way there, she is abducted by her very own Senapati and held captive until she gives her consent to marry him. Dhivendra rescues her, both fall in love, but are captured by Senapati's men. Dhivendra is gravelly injured but manages to escape and is looked after Rajgarh's Raj Nartaki, Rajlaxmi, who also falls in love with him. After Dhivendra recuperates, he finds out that Chandramukhi is being against her will at Senapati's castle, he sets forth to set her free, but is captured in the process. Held in chains, he is blinded by a vengeful Rajlaxmi, and Chandramukhi is given an ultimatum - either wed Senapati or witness the death of Dhivendra.


Dilip Kumar

(Rajkumar Dhivendra Pratap Bahadur Chandrabhan)
Meena Kumari

(Rajkumari Chandramukhi of Rajgarh)
Leela Chitnis
Bande annonce de Kohinoor

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Source : Wikidata


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