The Mary Kay Letourneau Story: All-American Girl is a 2000 television movie based on the real-life story of Mary Kay Letourneau's illicit affair with one of her sixth grade students. The film was broadcast on the USA network on 18 January 2000 and was followed with a special entitled Letourneau: Live, which featured interviews with Letourneau and others involved with the scenario.
The lead role of Letourneau was played by actress Penelope Ann Miller and filming took place in Toronto during 1999. Letourneau cooperated with the film's producers and as she could not receive profits from the film per a Son of Sam law, her fees were placed in a trust fund for her children. As a way of developing her role, Miller corresponded with Letourneau over the telephone.Synopsis
Dans une prison de Washington, Mary Kay Letourneau, ancienne institutrice, se confie à Jane Newhall, psychiatre de son état, qui lui demande de raconter sa relation amoureuse avec Vili Fualaau, un élève âgé de treize ans... Après une enfance perturbée et un mariage raté avec Steve ; Mary, mère de quatre enfants, entretient une relation privilégiée avec l'un de ses élèves adolescent. Lentement, cette relation se transforme en une véritable histoire d'amour. Lorsque Mary se retrouve enceinte, elle décide de garder l'enfant, mais Steve apprend la vérité et se met à menacer Vili.