My Teacher's Wife is an 1995 teen sex comedy film directed by Bruce Leddy, and written by Seth Greenland. Originally titled "Bad With Numbers," the story follows the travails of Southport High School senior Todd Boomer (Jason London) whose lifelong dream of going to Harvard is derailed by his hard-nosed calculus teacher Mr. Mueller (Christopher McDonald). When Todd enlists the tutoring help of the sexy and mysterious Vicki (Tia Carrere), things go from bad to worse.
The film was shot in Wilmington, NC with a planned theatrical release in February 1995. But the financial collapse of Savoy Pictures left the movie orphaned until Trimark Pictures acquired it, re-titled it as "My Teacher's Wife," and released it on DVD. It was also featured on the USA cable channel. The score was composed and performed by Kevin Gilbert, a major contributor to the Tuesday Night Music Club group which wrote songs for Sheryl Crow on her debut album. The film also features animations by Academy Award nominated cartoonist Bill Plympton.Synopsis
Todd Boomer, jeune étudiant, doit gagner son ticket d'entrée à Harvard. Mais M. Muller, son prof de math, fait tout pour "lui mettre des bâtons dans les roues". Seul un miracle lui permettra d'accéder à cette grande faculté... Todd se met en contact avec la belle et sensuelle Vicky pour suivre des cours particuliers. Leur relation passe très vite de l'élève/prof à ami/amie puis amant/maîtresse... Et tout va bien pour Todd Boomer... jusqu'au jour où il apprend que Vicky est la femme de M. Muller