Mai, meaning mother in Marathi, is a 2013 Hindi film which marks the debut of veteran singer Asha Bhosle as a lead actress. The film is a family drama of how children abandon their ailing old parents. The film is also debut directorial venture of Mahesh Kodiyal.Synopsis
Mai, a widowed mother of four, is a 65-year-old woman who lives with her only son Munna and suffers from Alzheimer's disease. When Munna gets an opportunity to move to USA for his job, he decides to admit Mai in an old age home. But Mai's eldest daughter Madhu objects to this. After the other two daughters also abandon Mai for various reasons, Madhu decides to bring Mai to her own home. Madhu's husband Subhash and teenage daughter Charu dislike this. After a series of events Madhu's family accepts Mai lovingly in their family.