Malliswari is a 1951 Telugu musical film directed by B. N. Reddi and produced by Vauhini Studios, with songs penned by Devulapalli Krishnasastri. This film is based on Buchi Babu’s radio play Rayala Karunakrutyam. The film is considered as a timeless Indian film classic It is the first Telugu film to be screened at International film festivals like Asia Pacific Film Festival. The film had a public re-release with thirteen prints and Chinese subtitles, in Beijing, on 14, March 1953,
B. N. Reddy recalls: "When I went to Hampi to shoot my first film Vande Mataram in 1939, I was deeply attracted to Sri Krishna Devarayalu. I wanted to make a film on Sri Krishna Devaraya. Years passed by. But I could not get the right story. Fortunately, Malliswari happened. I think it is the best movie I have directed." The film is listed among CNN-IBN's list of "100 greatest Indian films of all time".Synopsis
During the rule of the Vijayanagara Empire, there was a system to bring willing women to the royal palace and render them official residents. This was called 'Rani Vasam'. According to this royal tradition, they sent palanquins to their houses after they presented the family with gifts and jewellery. These Rani Vasam women should never have any contact with any man or let any man see them without permission. If any one violated the law, they were beheaded.