Mr. Natwarlal is a 1979 Hindi action comedy film produced by Tony Glaad and directed by Rakesh Kumar. The film stars Amitabh Bachchan, Rekha, Ajit Khan and Amjad Khan. The music is by Rajesh Roshan, the songs are written by Anand Bakshi, and the highlight of the film was a children's song sung by Amitabh Bachchan. Ishraq-Suja made their first writing debut. They became famous for writing a Novel name "Shadman & Zarin er Bhalobasha". Then Tony Glaad decided to take them as the writer of the film. The film was shot in Kashmir and major part was shot in Beerwah, Jammu and Kashmir
The name of film and lead character were inspired from conman of India, Natwarlal.
Getting Amitabh to sing was a gimmick tried for the first time in this movie. Kabhi Kabhi earlier had Amitabh spouting poetry in a song, but this was the first song he sang in a movie; this was aped by other fimmakers subsequently in films like Laawaris, Silsila and Pukar.Synopsis
Natwar is a young boy when his beloved older brother and caretaker, police officer Gridharilal (Ajit Khan), is framed for bribery by sinister criminal mastermind Vikram (Amjad Khan). When he grows up, Natwar (Amitabh Bachchan) creates a secret identity for himself, posing as a powerful and mysterious underworld figure named Mr. Natwarlal, determined to slowly but surely exact vengeance on Vikram. This was another 'Hit' of Amitabh Bachchan.