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Peddamanushulu est un film réalisé par Kadiri Venkata Reddy avec Mudigonda Lingamurthy

Peddamanushulu (1954)

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Durée 3h11
Réalisé par
Note75% 3.792453.792453.792453.792453.79245

Peddamanushulu or Pedda Manushulu is a 1954 Telugu film directed by Kadiri Venkata Reddy. The film is themed on corruption, and portrays all "Peddamanushulu" (influential people) as corrupt.


The main characters in the film are in the public service, most of them in corrupt, negative roles, and there are many villains instead of one main villain. Dharma Rao (Gowrinatha Sastry) is the Chairman of the municipality. The municipal contractor, a local businessman, and his associates make up the rest of the corrupt cast. They use their influence for their own personal ends in secret. The municipal counsellor, however, Ramadasu (Lingamurthy), who is also a newspaper editor, is honest and uncorrupted. What happens to all these characters makes up the plot of the movie.


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Source : Wikidata


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