Prison-A-Go-Go! is an American film first released in October 2003 by WorldWide International Picture Studios, known for producing low budget B-movies with campy concepts. The film premiered at the Deep Ellum Film Festival in 2003 and went on to win several awards. The film was directed by Barak Epstein and starred Mary Woronov and Rhonda Shear. The film is an homage/parody of women in prison films.Synopsis
Prison-A-Go-Go! tells the story of a sweet, innocent young woman named Callista who is abducted for "scientific reasons” and taken far away. Now it is up to her bright sister, Janie to solve the mystery and take a crack at rescuing her little sister. But the only clue she finds leads to a notorious prison in the Philippines, where committing a crime may be the only way in. The film was marketed as being filled with multiple shower scenes, girls running amok, kung fu food fights, ninjas, mutant zombies, evil scientists, genetic mutation, and mud wrestling.