Revenge Quest is a 1995 direct to video action/science fiction thriller directed by Alan DeHerrera with an ensemble cast featuring Brian Gluhak, Christopher Michael Egger and Jennifer Aguilar. It takes place in 2031 in Los Angeles following the escape of a dangerous inmate from the fictitious Red Rock Prison on Mars. The film was released by Vista Street Entertainment.Synopsis
Prison fugitive Trent McKormick exits an Amtrak train. He is searching for Julie Meyers, who testified against him. Elsewhere, Rick Castle is in a smoky bar flirting with the local girls in an murmured conversation. Meanwhile, a police officer enters Julie Meyers' apartment without any explanation. Trent McKormick comes out of the shadows and kills the officer before leaving. Rick Castle is summoned by his boss and learns about Trent's escape. He is assigned to protect Julie Meyers and bring in Trent alive.