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School Gyrls est un film américain de genre Musical réalisé par Nicholas Cannon avec Mandy Rain

School Gyrls (2009)

School Gyrls
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Réalisé par
Genres Musical
Themes La musique,    Musique
Note19% 0.976040.976040.976040.976040.97604

School Gyrls is a 2010 made-for-TV musical film starring the pop band School Gyrls (Mandy Moseley, Monica Anne Parales, Jacque Pyles) and Lindsay Taylor. The film premiered on Nickelodeon on February 21, 2010, and later aired on TeenNick on March 19, 2010. The film was poorly received by critics and was the only promotion for the album of the same name by the stars of the film. The film was written, produced and directed by Nick Cannon, marking his film directorial debut.


The film opens up with Mandy Rain (Amanda Moseley) talking about the school, her likes and dislikes. While she is writing a song in her pow journal she bumps into Daisy's (Cashae Davis) shoe, Daisy is the school's hall monitor who Mandy said's she pick on girls and has bad breath. Next we then meet Jacque Nimble (Jacque Pyles) a bad girl who is at the school to do her time (probably for getting in trouble). Then next we meet Mo Money (Monica Parales) a girl who claims to be rich and wants to be popular locks the girls bathroom to get ready. As the day starts each of the girls end up in detention. Mandy for bumping into a teacher make her face go into a cake while roller skating, Jacque for doing graffiti, and Monica for locking the girls bathroom and being late to class. In detention Mandy and Monica share their stores of why they are in detention, when Monica ask for Jacque's story she said's "I got in trouble for smacking a posh poser". Monica said's a word that offends Jacque, which makes her get out of her seat to fight Monica. Then walks in Headmaster Jones (Angie Stone), her daughters Gibby and Gabi (Kristen Combs and Gabi Wilson) and her niece Daisy just before anything happened's . Headmaster Jones puts the girls on trash duty for a mouth and puts them and the same room. When the girls go out to pick up trash Monica see a guy named Colin (Mathias Anderle) who she has a crush on who goes out with the head cheerleader Bambi Lockwood (Lindsay Taylor). Mandy tells them he sneezed on her when they met. When Bambi see's Colin talking to Monica, she goes over to insult her calling her a "wanna-be-me" and pours Gatorade on Jacque's jacket. The scene moves to them performing (Detention). The girls decide to take away Bambi's popularity by entering the "Stuntin Party" and to meet Mandy and Jacque's crushes Justin Bieber and Soulja Boy. The next day the girls sign up for the talent show. Bambi then tells them they will have to pay a $100 fee for each act and they are not on her level, they begin a dance off in performing(What Goes Around). Later in detention Monica said's the money will be in tomorrow then Daisy tell them if they want to win the talent show they need to have better moves then what they had that day. When Daisy leaves and forgets her keys the girls use them to break into the art room to decorate their room performing (Just a Kiss). Monica leaves the room to make a phone call to ask her mother for $300.00 to perform in the talent show, but then it turns out her mother needs the money. She then over hears Colin playing the guitar. He tells her sorry for Bambi and Monica said's it's no problem. When Bambi over hears Monica tell him her real name, she breaks into the office to look at Monica's file while the song (Something About Him) is on. The next day Monica is on the phone who she seems to be talking to Beyonce. When Bambi ask to speak to her Monica playes it off and said's the call got dropped, Bambi snatches the phone out of her hand to revile the phone was never on. She has her friend Claire (Jessica Jarrell) record everything on the phone. Bambi reviles the Monica is not rich but in fact poor, and the reason she is in the school is because she has a scholarship and makes good grades. She then calls her a bunch of names and tells her to "leave like her father did". Monica goes to the girls room to cry singing (I'm Not Just a Girl), while this is happening Bambi uploads the video on the internet for everyone to see. Back at the room Mandy and Jacque try to cheer Monica up, then Claire walks in feeling bad for what happened and wanted to help them by giving them bad pictures of Bambi. This gives them the idea to make a calendar of Bambi's photos to pay their talent show fee. While doing this their song (Extra Extra) is on. After that the girls go to give Bambi the money, but then Mr. Lockwood (Fred Willard) Bambi's dad and Headmaster Jones meet the girls to tell them they wont be attending the Stuntin Party and is placed on permanent detention. As the Stuntin Party begins at Teen Island, the girls try to make a plan to break out of school. As their song (Operator) is on they lock Daisy in the closet and take her keys to the golf car. At the Stuntin Party everybody performs and there are also performances by Justin Bieber and Kristinia DeBarge. When they get there the show is over, and Mandy see's Bambi with Justin Bieber. They then have a dance battle with Bambi's crew while performing (Get Like Me). The School Gyrls then win the battle and take the trophy. At the end they get a limo ride from Soulja Boy and Kristinia DeBarge. The movie ends with their music video (Something Like a Party).


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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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