A Short History of Decay is an American comedy film written and directed by Michael Maren. It stars Bryan Greenberg, Linda Lavin, Harris Yulin, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Benjamin King and Kathleen Rose Perkins. Though its title is taken from the work of philosophy by Emil Cioran, it is not an adaptation of the book.
The film was shot in October and November 2012 in Wilmington, North Carolina, Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina and New York City. It premiered at the Hamptons International Film Festival on October 12, 2013 and it opened theatrically at the Village East Cinema on May 16, 2014.Synopsis
A Brooklyn, Nathan Fisher, 35 ans, est un écrivain en panne d'inspiration. Lassée de le voir incapable d'achever son roman, sa petite-amie, femme ambitieuse sur le point d'éditer son premier livre, le quitte. Nathan apprend alors que son père est victime d'un accident cérébral, il décide de rendre visite à ses parents en Floride...