Sorrow The Movie is an independent film written and directed by Millie Loredo. The star cast of the film includes Vannessa Vasquez, Melissa Mars, Andrew Sensenig, Eric Martinez, Mary Etuk and Donny Boaz. The movie is about a young woman named Mila who is kidnapped by a dangerous serial killer couple, Hersey Igor and Dale Rogers. From the physical pain to the mental torments she is subjected to during her captivity, Mila experiences the most harrowing situation of her life. Her bold resistance and quick wit push her to escape and take revenge on her kidnappers.
The movie is based on a nightmare of director Millie Loredo. She gave words to her nightmare on pen and paper. She had initially written the screenplay for a short film, which was shot in the outskirts of Moab, Utah. After seeing the completed short (edited by Nick Gregorio), director Millie Loredo saw an opportunity to further explore the characters, so she extended the short film’s screenplay into a feature film. The rest of the feature film was shot in Texas and Utah.Synopsis
Detective Farrell and his partner Detective Ana Salinas are called to a crime scene in the bucolic city of Fieldhouse, Texas. This day proves to be unexpectedly disturbing, every ominous turn bringing more mystery to the case. Two dead bodies are found at the crime scene, an abandoned, run-down house with walls splattered in blood and torture devices scattered throughout. An unidentified woman is also found at the crime scene with a gunshot wound to the shoulder, but she manages to flee before the police reach her for questioning.