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Starsuckers est un film de genre Documentaire réalisé par Chris Atkins avec Rupert Degas

Starsuckers (2009)

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Starsuckers is a 2009 British documentary film aiming to expose the "shams and deceit involved in creating a pernicious celebrity culture".

Directed by Chris Atkins, director of the 2007 documentary Taking Liberties, it shows the production team planting a variety of celebrity-related stories in the UK media, such as a claim that the singer Avril Lavigne had been seen asleep in a nightclub. A variety of tabloid newspapers accepted the stories without corroboration or evidence.

It launched as part of the British Film Institute's 53rd Film Festival. Thirty minutes of footage from the film were shown to the Leveson Inquiry as part of the evidence presented by the film's director, Chris Atkins.

^ Starsuckers celebrity hoax dupes tabloids, The Guardian, 14 October 2009,

^ Lisa O'Carroll and Josh Halliday (6 December 2011). "Leveson inquiry: Chris Atkins, David Leigh, Charlotte Harris - live". The Guardian. Retrieved 6 December 2011.


Rupert Degas
Richard Curtis

Bob Geldof

Elton John

Harvey Weinstein

Bande annonce de Starsuckers

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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