Supremacy is a 2014 American drama thriller film directed by Deon Taylor, written by Eric J. Adams, and starring Joe Anderson, Dawn Olivieri, Danny Glover and Derek Luke. After fatally shooting a cop, white supremacist Garrett Tully (along with his companion, Doreen) breaks into a house and takes an African-American family hostage. The film chronicles the real life events of March 29–30, 1995, perpetrated by Aryan Brotherhood members Walter Scully Jr. and Brenda Kay Moore.
The film premiered at the Los Angeles Film Festival on June 12, 2014, and was released in the United States on January 30, 2015.Synopsis
Recently paroled after serving a fifteen-year prison sentence, Garrett Tully meets Doreen to complete a drug errand for their incarcerated Aryan Brotherhood boss, Paul Sobecki. After fatally shooting a cop, Tully breaks into a house, where he and Doreen take an African-American family hostage. An ex-con himself, the family patriarch, Sonny Walker, attempts to understand the Neo-Nazi's motives and get his family out alive.