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Taqrar (1944)

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Taqrar is a Bollywood film. It was released in 1944.


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Si vous avez aimé Taqrar, vous aimerez sûrement les films similaires suivants :
Armaan (1942)

Réalisé par Kidar Sharma
Acteurs Motilal

Kanwar Sahib (Motilal) speeds up on his way to meet the famous artist Vyas (Nagendra Majumdar) staying in the village. On the way he passes the artist's daughter Meera, but doesn't see her. Meera sees him and falls in love with him. Vyas lives in a village with Meera and paints pictures and draws murals to earn a living. Having contracted Vyas to paint murals in his house, Kanwar returns back to his mansion. His father is a lordly landowner, whose relative-cum Diwan tries to exploit him of his riches. Kanwar is interested in scientific work trying to produce a ray that would be able to register pain and pleasure in the brain. The experiment goes badly and Kanwar becomes blind. Vyas and his daughter arrive at the mansion and soon Meera and the blind Kanwar fall in love with each other. The Diwan is unhappy to see the romance between the two and gets Kanwar's father to have Meera sent away. This sends her father into grief and he kills himself.
Devdas (1955)
, 2h39
Réalisé par Bimal Roy
Origine Inde
Genres Drame, Musical, Romance
Thèmes Alcoolisme, Maladie, La musique, Psychotrope, Sexualité, Erotique, Prostitution, Musique, Bollywood
Acteurs Dilip Kumar, Vyjayanthimala, Suchitra Sen, Motilal, Nazir Hussain, Iftekhar
Note76% 3.8353753.8353753.8353753.8353753.835375
Set against the backdrop of rural Bengal during feudal times, Devdas is a young man from a wealthy Bengali Brahmin family in India in the early 1900s. Paro alias Parvati is a young woman from a middle class Bengali Brahmin family, but belonging to a slightly lower status in terms of caste, affluence and status. The two families lived in a village, and Devdas and Paro were childhood friends.