Thagapansamy is a 2006 Tamil language action film directed by Shiva Shanmugam and produced by Tiruchi Gopalji. The film starred Prashanth and Pooja in the lead roles, while Namitha, Karunas and Vincent Asokan played other supporting roles. Featuring music composed by Srikanth Deva, the film had a delayed release in December 2006 after going through production problems.
The film begins with Kadhirvel (Prashanth), a do-gooder going all out to get water for his village. With monsoon repeatedly failing, his village reels under drought and Prashanth runs from pillar to post to get a well dug in the village. He manages to bring Shanmugham (Mahadevan), a water-divining expert to dig a well in the village. Shanmugham along with his wife and daughter Marikozhundhu (Pooja) come to the village. Unfortunately a freak mishap kills Shanmugham and the villagers' search for water continues.