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The Fall Guy est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Leslie Pearce avec Jack Mulhall

The Fall Guy (1930)

The Fall Guy
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Durée 1h6
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Comédie,    Policier
Note52% 2.6236752.6236752.6236752.6236752.623675

The Fall Guy is a 1930 American crime drama film, directed by Leslie Pearce and written by Tim Whelan, based upon the Broadway hit, The Fall Guy, a Comedy in Three Acts, written by George Abbott and James Gleason. It starred Jack Mulhall and Pat O'Malley, and its supporting cast included Mae Clarke, who would become famous the following year when James Cagney pushed a grapefruit into her face in the film, The Public Enemy.

^ "The Fall Guy: Technical Details". Archived from the original on June 28, 2014. Retrieved June 28, 2014.

^ "The Fall Guy: Detail View". American Film Institute. Archived from the original on March 31, 2014. Retrieved June 26, 2014.

^ "The Fall Guy, Credits". Turner Classic Movies. Archived from the original on June 28, 2014. Retrieved June 28, 2014.

^ Jewell, Richard B.; Harbin, Vernon (1982). The RKO Story. New York: Arlington House. p. 27. ISBN 0-517-546566.


When Johnny Quinlan loses his job in a drug store, he is afraid to tell his wife, Bertha, and therefore keeps up the pretense of leaving each morning for a non-existent job, as he begins the search for a new job. As the days pass and he is unable to find employment, their household, which includes his sister, Lottie, and Bertha's brother, Dan Walsh, goes through what little savings they have.


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