The Right To Remain Silent is a play by Mark Fauser and Brent Briscoe that was adapted for a television movie in 1996 starring Robert Loggia and Lea Thompson.
It was supposed to be just a normal night at the police station for rookie cop Christine Paley (Thompson). This is a report of about eight different types of arrests which can happen in a normal month. Lt. Mike Brosloe (Loggia) leads her through one of the most unusual first shifts.
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Réalisé parEarl Bellamy GenresDrame, Action, Policier ThèmesTransport, Road movie, Film de poursuite ActeursJoe Don Baker, Tyne Daly, Richard Jaeckel, Morgan Woodward, Robert Loggia, Timothy Carey Note54% After a wave of unsolved car thefts, an insurance company calls in private investigator Pete Novick (Joe Don Baker) to solve the case. While the chief of police isn't thrilled about having an outsider come and show up his men, one of the officers is a former girlfriend of Novick's who's more than willing to help him out in any way she can. After a long and convoluted investigation with false leads, psychics and the mafia, Novick at last unravels the identity of the thief.