Ujala (Ujala means Light in Hindi) is a Bollywood movie released in 1959, starring Shammi Kapoor, Mala Sinha, Raaj Kumar, Leela Chitnis and Tun Tun. Naresh Saigal was the story writer as well as the director of the movie. Ujala features one of the popular Bollywood songs "Jhoomta Masoom, Mast Mahina" played by Shammi Kapoor and Mala Sinha, sung by Manna Dey and Lata Mangeshkar. The film came with a message; "Honesty always triumphs".Synopsis
Ramu (Shammi Kapoor), his family consisting of his mother (Leela Chitnis) and three siblings, and his sweetheart Chhabili (Mala Sinha) are poor, but they dream of a better life and keep trying to achieve it. In the process his childhood friend and villain in the movie Kalu (Raaj Kumar) creates obstacles for his ambitions.