Victim is a 2011 British urban action drama film directed by Alex Pillai, written by Ashley Chin and Michael Maris, stars Ashley Chin, Ashley Madekwe, Jason Maza, and co-stars Adam Deacon, David Harewood and Giggs. The film is about a young man's attempts to move away from a life of violent crime, with the help of a wholesome country girl who comes to stay with his friend in the city, only to find himself the target of retaliation.Synopsis
Tyson (Ashley Chin), Mannie (Jason Maza) and Jason (Michael Maris) grew up together in a tough inner-city world in London's East End, where no one could be trusted and everyone was out for themselves. With opportunities limited, it is crime that pays the bills and violence on the streets is how someone makes their mark. They make a living out of armed robberies with the help of eye candy Davina (Anna Nightingale) to seduce and lure drunken, unsuspecting rich City men in clubs, go back with them to their expensive flats, then Tyson and his crew move in, beat them up and steal everything.