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Yaamirukka Bayamey est un film de genre Comédie réalisé par Kishore Sahu avec Kreshna

Yaamirukka Bayamey (2014)

Yaamirukka Bayamey
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Durée 2h2
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie,    Comédie horrifique,    Horreur
Note68% 3.4426153.4426153.4426153.4426153.442615

Yaamirukka Bayamey is a 2014 Indian Tamil horror comedy film written and directed by debutant Deekay and produced by Elred Kumar. The cast includes Kreshna, Rupa Manjari, Karuna, Oviya and Anaswara Kumar. 15 technicians were introduced in the film, which started shooting in Nainital in October. Previously titled as Illa Aanalum Irukku, the film released on 9 May 2014 and received positive reviews. The film was later remade into Kannada as Namo Boothatma


Kiran (Kreshna) is a television telemarketer, who gets into trouble after one of his products has an opposite effect than what was intended, on the son of a local thug. That is also precisely the moment when he discovers that his ‘real’ father left him a bungalow on an estate in a small town. He cons the son of the don, escapes with the money along with his girlfriend Smitha (Rupa Manjari), renovates the run down mansion into a hotel with the help of a local caretaker Sharath (Karunakaran) who was under the care of Kiran's father before and his bombshell sister Saranya (Oviya). Customers begin trickling in, but strangely most of them wind up dead. Baffled, Kiran tries to uncover the mystery behind the deaths, which eventually leads him to believe that the house is haunted. His suspicions are confirmed when things start going awry in the house, indicating some supernatural presence and when he discovers that the people who checked in to his hotel were all previous owners of the land and interestingly all dead themselves. They soon go to seek help from brother Adaikalam, who is actually a cheat. They kidnap him and bring him to the house. The foursome catch an old man inside the house assuming he is a thief. However, the old man says that he and the others will die if they leave the hotel. He narrates that the house was haunted by a ghost - Mohini (Anaswara Kumar) who would kill the owner of the house. Soon the ghost starts to possess the people in the house and attacks Kiran. The gang is finally cornered with no chance of escape. It is said that they would die by midnight. Hearing someone banging on the door, Kiran opens the door to find the don, his son and his thugs. The don asks for the house in return for the money he conned from him. Feeling pity for them, Kiran warns them about the spirit. Not listening to Kiran, the don forces him to sign the papers for the house. Kiran and his friends are let go and they see the spirits of the previous owners on their way out. Just as they go out, they find the don and his thugs outside. Knowing that the ghost has killed the don's group since it is midnight, Kiran and his group walk away.


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