This musical comedy stars William Powell as Emery Slade, an unlikeable actor who was once a major film star, but who has not worked in ten years. Slade tries to convince studio chief Melville Crossman (Adolphe Menjou) to give the female lead in the film version of a Broadway musical to an unknown, rather than the actress he was sent to New York to sign.
Beauregard Bottomley (Ronald Colman) is an unemployed PhD physicist who lives in Los Angeles with his piano-instructor sister Gwenn (Barbara Britton) and the alcohol-guzzling parrot of the film's title, Caesar. Beauregard and Gwenn live in a bungalow court, surrounded by books. Beauregard is an omnivorous reader, and is highly knowledgeable on virtually any subject - except, as he admits, how to hold a job. Beauregard obtains word of a mysterious job opportunity at the Milady Soap Company. He meets the eccentric company owner, Burnbridge Waters (Vincent Price), for the job interview. Waters disapproves of Beauregard's humour and turns him down for the job, humiliating him in the process.
Le film retrace la vie et la carrière de l'acteur américain Edwin Booth, ainsi que celle de son frère John Wilkes Booth, connu pour avoir assassiné le président Abraham Lincoln.
Noticing a beautiful girl in the background of a Laurel and Hardy film, actor Marc Peters tips off studio mogul Jonathan Martin, who arranges a screen test. Jean Harlow is an overnight success.
The Wild, Wild World of Jayne Mansfield began production in 1964 and continued shooting sporadically through 1967 as the budget was limited. The film consists of Mansfield visiting various locations throughout Europe and the United States.
Billy Bright (Dick Van Dyke), a silent-era film comedian, narrates this film which begins at his character's funeral in 1969 and tells his life story in flashbacks, unable to see his own faults and morosely (and incorrectly) blaming others for the turns of the events in his life.
A chance meeting between an Assistant Scientist, Shekar, and an established stage dancer and singer, Anjana, results in love. While Shekar has a mother who lives separately, Anjana has been orphaned at an early age. Shekar's mom approves of Anjana, and both get married. Anjana stops her involvement in dancing and singing, and both spent the next several months on relative harmony. Then Anjana finds that Shekar is spending more and more time in the laboratory than with her, and she decides to take up dancing and singing, which does not auger well with Shekar. Arguments ensue, and both decide to live separately. When Shekar's mom comes to visit Shekar, both he and Anjana compromise to live together to fool his mother.
Le tueur en série Max Parry a réalisé un documentaire pris sur le vif sur le thème du meurtre. En copiant son film sur des cassettes dans un magasin de location de film, il force les spectateurs à regarder son opus dans lequel il présente ses meilleurs meurtres, tout en philosophant sur la nature des envies de meurtre.