Colin Glasgow returns home after the murder of his uncle to find out that his uncle's will has been altered and his family is under a werewolf curse. Twists and turns lead to Colin finding his old love Lynn and meeting a priest who is more than meets the eye. In the end, Colin must find a way to end the curse that has haunted his family over the ages and will do so even if it costs him his life.
Une sorcière maléfique ramène à la vie l'infâme Elizabeth Bathory, qui a été exécutée plusieurs centaines d'années auparavant pour avoir tué une jeune femme et se baigner dans le sang.
Le loup-garou a été réveillé par des pilleurs de tombes. L'idée de tuer des innocents les soirs de pleine lune pour l'éternité ne lui plaisant guère, il recherche le Dr Frankenstein pour trouver un moyen de mourir. Mais le docteur est mort, et il ne trouve que sa Créature, qui elle veut vivre...
Deux scientifiques rencontrent un accident de voiture et trouvent un homme inconscient dans l'épave. Ils le ramènent à leur laboratoire et lui injectent un sérum sur lequel ils ont travaillé. Malheureusement, le sérum a pour effet de transformer l'homme en un loup-garou meurtrier.
Mexican funnyman, El Clavillazo (Antonio Espino), is in love with a seamstress named Beatriz (Evangelina Elizondo), and also hangs out with a variety of odd characters, including a newsboy and a mental patient. Meanwhile, at the nearby castle, a mad scientist named “Dr Sputnik” and his scarred, hunchbacked assistant are busy making monsters. The doctor poses as a kindly blind man in town and uses hypnosis to lure Beatriz to his castle, brainwashing her into believing that she is his own love named “Galatea”. El Clavillazo, with an assist from his friends, blunders his way into the castle, where he spends most of his time being chased around by various monsters. There is the butler, who looks like the Frankenstein Monster. The rest of the monsters include a werewolf, a mummy, a vampire (clearly modeled after Count Dracula) and a gill-man (clearly patterned after "Creature from the Black Lagoon"). There is also another, unidentified monster being kept in a cell (why it is not allowed to run free with the rest is not known), which is referred to as a “gorilla” in some reviews, although it appears to be more of a humanoid ape-like creature, perhaps based on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. In the end, El Clavillazo manages to defeat the monsters, mostly by luck, and rescue the girl. A chemical in Sputnik’s lab devolves the gill-man into a big fish, the werewolf is choked out by the monster in the cell (perhaps that is why he was kept behind bars), Frankenstein accidentally electrocutes himself by grabbing a power cable in the lab and turns into cogs and clock-parts, the mummy falls into a pit of alligators and is devoured, and the vampire vanishes when the sun rises. Dr Sputnik has the usual falling out that all mad scientists seem to eventually have with their deformed assistants (usually due to the scientist mistreating his assistant, or the assistant developing a crush on a girl the scientist has designs on, or sometimes a combination of both), resulting in his being shot after he stabs the scarred hunchback. Clavillazo and Beatriz are trapped in a room and about to be crushed by the walls moving together when they are rescued in the nick of time by the rest of the gang, and they all live happily ever after.
Pete Dumond, Chief Make-up Artist for 25 years at American International Studios, is fired after the studio is purchased by NBN Associates. The new management from the East, Jeffrey Clayton and John Nixon, plan to make musicals and comedies -- instead of the horror pictures for which Pete has created his remarkable monster make-ups and made the studio famous. In retaliaton, Pete vows to use the very monsters these men have rejected to destroy them. By mixing a numbing ingredient into his foundation cream and persuading the young actors that their careers are through unless they place themselves in his power, he hypnotizes both Larry Drake and Tony Mantell (who are playing the characters Teenage Werewolf and Teenage Frankenstein, respectively, in the picture Werewolf Meets Frankenstein,currently shooting on the lot).
Au XVIe siècle, le lycanthrope Waldemar Daninsky voyage de son Europe natale au Japon, à la recherche d'un moyen de se guérir du fait d'être un loup-garou. Seuls un sorcier japonais nommé Kian et une épée magique en argent peuvent le sauver.
Dans les années 1950, Michael Jackson et une jeune femme (Ola Ray) manquent d'essence en conduisant dans une zone boisée. Ils marchent dans la forêt et Michael lui demande d'être sa petite amie. Elle accepte. Il l'avertit qu'il n'est "pas comme les autres", se transforme en loup-garou et l'attaque.
Le film se déroule en quatre temps dont un épilogue ; le fil conducteur en est un corbeau noir planant au-dessus de la Sicile de Pirandello, une clochette accrochée au cou, et qui fait la liaison entre chaque temps.
Casimiro, night watchman at a wax museum of horrors, is even more sleepy than his usual laziness makes him - because his boss, the Professor, is secretly draining blood from him while he dozes to use in experiments in raising the dead. These haven't worked so far, and the bodies have been covered in wax and placed on display in the museum to cover his crimes. His big chance seems to come, however, when he learns that the mummified body of a modern man has been found in an Egyptian sarcophagus. The professor and his two henchmen steal the body and take it back to his lab - where the experiment flops again. Or it seems to. While the villains are out of the lab, and Casimiro sleeps on duty, a bolt of lightning gives the electrical boost which the Professor's machinery has needed, and the body comes back to life. Then the clouds part, the full moon shines through, and the resurrected one becomes a werewolf. When Casimiro sees it wandering the museum, no one will believe him, not even Paquita, his girlfriend. But the professor finds his subject alive and soon witnesses a transformation. Eventually, the creature escapes him and makes off into the night, terrorizing the city and ending up at Paquita's apartment.
En Espagne, au XVIII siècle, le cruel marquis Siniestro humilie un mendiant pendant son repas de noces et le fait jeter au cachot. Il y est rejoint des années plus tard par une servante sourde-muette, qui a eu le tort de repousser les avances du marquis. Rendu fou par la captivité, l'homme se jette sur la malheureuse et la viole. La jeune infirme parvient un jour à s'enfuir et meurt en donnant le jour à un fils, Léon, qui est adopté par un vieux professeur, Alfredo Carido. Mais en grandissant, l'enfant se transforme en loup-garou quand vient la pleine lune et égorge des brebis pour boire leur sang
The film follows the adventures of Little Red Riding Hood (Maria Gracia) and Tom Thumb (Cesaro Quezadas) and their friends, fighting against the wicked queen (Ofelia Guilmáin) and her band of monsters. The film starts at the meeting of the evil monsters in the castle in the Haunted Forest, heart of the Devil's dominion, during which the Vampire (Quintín Bulnes) accuses the big bad wolf (Manuel Valdés) and the ogre (José Elías Moreno) of betraying the Queen Witch (La Reina Bruja, renamed Queen of Badness in the English dub), who orders them to be executed. Their friend Stinky the Skunk (Santanón) however escapes and informs Little Red Riding Hood and Tom Thumb, who promise to help. Meanwhile, the Queen and her sister the Old Witch cast a terrible curse, turning villagers into monkeys and mice for trying to defy her magic. The rest of the story details the heroes' quest to conquer evil.
John et sa petite-amie Shirley partent à la recherche d’un cimetière afin que John trouve l’inspiration pour écrire son prochain roman. Alors qu’ils errent parmi les sépultures, ils assistent à une bien funeste cérémonie.
Les Monstres apprennent qu'ils ont hérité d'un manoir en Angleterre appelé « Munster Hall » et qu'Herman a ainsi hérité du titre "Lord Munster". La famille Monstre se rend alors en Angleterre pour visiter leur héritage. Mais leurs cousins Grace et Freddie Monstre sont envieux de cet héritage et de ce titre prestigieux, ils décident d'aller eux aussi en Angleterre pour essayer de se débarrasser de leurs cousins...