Amrutham Gamaya is a 1987 Malayalam-language Indian feature film directed by T.Hariharan and produced by P.K.R Pillai for Shirdhi Sai Creations, starring Mohanlal, Parvathy, Thilakan and Geetha. The film is written by acclaimed Malayalam writer M. T. Vasudevan Nair.
Guilt never found a more poignant expression on a film than this. How a doctor tries to atone for his mistake as a student that destroyed a family was most sensitively penned by the master writer.Synopsis
The film is the story of Mohanlal, a doctor, who unknowingly kills Vineeth in Medical college ragging, while he was a senior student and that incident always haunting his guilty mind and his reciprocation towards Vineeth's poor family. Ultimately he helps Vineeth's Sister Parvathy to become a Doctor.