Summer Vacation 1999 (1999年の夏休み, Sen-kyūhyaku-kyūjū nen no natsu yasumi), directed by Shusuke Kaneko, is a 1988 Japanese romantic drama film based on the shōjo manga Thomas no Shinzō written by Moto Hagio, about four boys at a boarding school. Although the manga concerns homoerotic relationships among the boys, director Kaneko used girls, aged 14 to 16, to portray the boys in the film.Synopsis
Four boys are spending summer vacation by themselves at a remote boarding school. In an introductory sequence, the boy Yu is shown jumping off a cliff in a presumed suicide over his unrequited love for another of the boys, Kazuhiko. But during the vacation period, a new boy, Kaoru, arrives who is the exact image of Yu, but who insists he has no connection to him. The other boys, Naoto and Norio, are also attracted to Kazuhiko who now finds himself fascinated by Kaoru.