The Ardor (original title: El Ardor) is a 2014 western drama film, written and directed by Pablo Fendrik. It stars Gael García Bernal as a lone shaman who rescued the kidnapped woman from the mercenaries who killed her farmer father and took over her property.
The film premiered on May 19, 2014, at 2014 Cannes Film Festival out of competition, at "special screening" section. It was also one of the Argentinian films which were in consideration to send as Argentina's official entry for 87th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film but ultimately Wild Tales was selected.Synopsis
Forêt tropicale de Misiones en Argentine. Kaï, un jeune homme solitaire, assiste à l’attaque sauvage d’une ferme de tabac par des mercenaires qui kidnappent la belle Vania dont le père est assassiné sous ses yeux. KaÏ se transforme alors en justicier et les traque un par un dans la jungle