B-E-D is a 2012 South Korean film directed by Park Chul-soo, based on the short story of the same name by novelist Kwon Ji-ye. Starring theater actors Jang Hyuk-jin, Lee Min-a and Kim Na-mi, the film is an erotic relationship drama about three people. B, whose life "begins on the bed and ends on the bed", has an affair with married woman E and later, after she breaks up with him, he marries D, a single mother and career woman. The film features frequent full-frontal nudity.
B-E-D made its world premiere at the 17th Busan International Film Festival in 2012, and was released in theaters on March 12, 2015.Synopsis
E is everything to B. B is desperate because he knows he can't get enough of E. E wants to be liberated from her everyday boredom. She needs change. However, she doesn't want to cross the borders of her own life. D needs a comfortable family. D tries to be realistic and rational. The stories of three characters whose joy, passion and despair overflow in one bed are tangled like a puzzle, and a fearless and unhesitating exploration of human desires.