Break Point is an American comedy film directed by Jay Karas. The film stars Jeremy Sisto and David Walton as two estranged brothers (and former tennis partners) who reunite and decide to make a run at a grand slam tournament.
The film first premiered at South by Southwest Film Festival on March 8, 2014. The film was released on July 21, 2015 on video on demand prior to the film being released in a limited release on September 4, 2015.Synopsis
Brash man-child Jimmy Price knows his days as a doubles tennis player are nearly finished. Since he's burned practically all of his bridges on the pro circuit, it's a huge blow when his latest partner drops him. With no other option, he tries to revive his career by convincing his estranged brother (and former tennis partner) Darren to join him on the court. With the help of an unusual 11-year-old named Barry, the duo make a go at a grand slam tournament.