Dawson Isla 10 is a 2009 Chilean drama film, written and directed by Miguel Littín, a Chilean film director. The screenplay is based on Isla 10, a book by Sergio Bitar about his experiences as a political prisoner; "Isla 10" was the substitute name their guards imposed him during his imprisonment.Synopsis
The 1973 Chilean coup d'état resulted in President Salvador Allende being overthrown and Augusto Pinochet coming to power in Chile. This film tells the story of the former members of Allende's cabinet, who were arrested and incarcerated in a political prison, specially designed as a concentration camp on Dawson Island, Tierra del Fuego. The camp had been used in the early 20th century to house Selk'nam and other indigenous peoples, moving them from the main island to end their interference with the large sheep ranches that had been established, as they persisted in hunting in their former territories.