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Gunahon Ka Sheher est un film Pakistanais de genre Policier avec Ahmed Butt

Gunahon Ka Sheher (2006)

Gunahon Ka Sheher
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Genres Policier

Gunahon Ka Sheher is a Pakistani Urdu film, directed by Pashto film director Saeed Ali Khan.


The story of Aik Gunahoon Ka Shehr revolves round a young man (Ahmed Butt) fascinated by city life and the thrills it has to offer. Once there, unemployment eventually leads him to join a gang of blackmailers involved in sex crimes, in turn leading to his ruin.


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Bluray, DVD

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Source : Wikidata


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Mumtaz Awan Le 23 décembre 2021
Gunahon ka shehar 2006 movie upload kar dein plz

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