Henchmen is an upcoming American animated action comedy film directed by Adam Wood and co-written by Wood, David Ray and Jay D. Waxman, based on Wood's own 2014 short film Henchmen: Ill Suited. The film stars James Marsden, Thomas Middleditch, Rosario Dawson, Alfred Molina, Nathan Fillion, Jane Krakowski, Rob Riggle, Craig Robinson and Will Sasso. Production began in May 2015 in British Columbia. The film's release date has not announcedSynopsis
A fallen henchman named Hank, leads a team of Lester and two others, called "Union of Evil," who must prevent Baron Blackout from taking over the world, and save his love interest. The crew are assigned to the Vault of Villainy, where Lester steals the ultimate weapon accidentally.