The Legend of the North Wind is a 1992 Spanish animated fantasy film directed by Juan Bautista Berasategi (originally credited to Maite Ruiz de Austri and Carlos Varela). It was based upon a story by Gregorio Muro and Josean Muñoz, and produced by Episa and Euskal Pictures International.
It was produced in the Spain under the working title of Balleneros (Basque title: Balearenak), before being released in 1992 as La leyenda del viento del Norte (Sp), La légende du vent du nord (Fr), and Ipar aizearen erronka (Basque).
Originally, the released film was credited to Maite Ruiz de Austri and Carlos Varela, but Berasategi sued the producers for plagiarism, charging that the majority of the film was developed under his direction, and that Ruiz de Austri and Varela had received undue credit for what was actually his work. Berasategi eventually won the case, and received legal recognition as the film's director. This is reflected on more recent releases of the film, in which the original director credit is replaced with a new credit for Berasategi.
An English-dubbed version was not released until 1997 in North America as direct to video by Plaza Entertainment and Nelvana in 1997.
The Spanish release was followed by a 13-episode TV series, and a 1994 sequel called El regreso del Viento del Norte, or The Return of the North Wind.Synopsis
Chaque année, le capitaine Gala rend visite à ses amis indiens Micmac. Un pacte les unit : tenir secret l'endroit où se réunissent les baleines. Mais le redoutable Athanasius s'embarque sur le navire : il a décidé de supprimer toutes les baleines pour devenir l'homme le plus riche du monde. Heureusement, Peyro et Anna, deux enfants pleins de courage et de malice, sont montés à bord et découvrent son plan diabolique. Aux côtés du petit Indien Watuna et d'un adorable baleineau, nos jeunes héros réussiront-ils après mille péripéties, à sauver les baleines ? Une aventure riche en émotions fortes les attend…