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La mujer del puerto est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Arcady Boytler avec Andrea Palma

La mujer del puerto (1934)

La mujer del puerto
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Durée 1h16
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Thriller,    Romance
Note69% 3.475333.475333.475333.475333.47533

The Woman of the Port (Spanish: La Mujer del Puerto) is a 1934 Mexican romantic drama film directed by Arcady Boytler and starring Andrea Palma. The film is based on the novel Le Port by French author Guy de Maupassant.


Rosario (Andrea Palma) was the average Mexican girl that grew up in a humble household with her dad. Her boyfriend had promised to marry her and that they would be better off once he landed a decent job. The Father falls sick and isn’t able to work, leaving his daughter helpless because she was not wedded yet. In the process of trying to find some money and trying to get help she turns to her boyfriend and finds him sleeping with another village girl. She is distraught and leaves town. She decides to leave Cordoba City to settle in Veracruz City. In a port that is facing the Gulf of Mexico, she establishes herself above a sordid cabaret, and starts “selling love” to the sailors that come from a far. She made this her life profession and enjoyed being heartless and wreckless with men’s feelings. One night, a drunken sailor gets out of hand and Alberto (Domingo Soler) rescues her from getting beat. She is grateful and takes Alberto to her room to compensate him. After the love making they begin to talk about their backgrounds and discover that they are siblings. Rosario, distraught, leaves the cabaret and makes her way to the port's dock. Alberto searches for her, only to find her shawl floating in the water near the dock, implying that she jumped.


Andrea Palma

Stella Inda

(Mujer de cabaret)
Arturo Manrique

(Panseco, marino argentino)
Esther Fernández

(Mujer de cabaret)
Bande annonce de La mujer del puerto

Bluray, DVD

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Source : Wikidata


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