Screwed is a 2000 American comedy film, written and directed by Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski. It stars Norm Macdonald, Dave Chappelle, Danny DeVito, Elaine Stritch, Daniel Benzali, Sarah Silverman, and Sherman Hemsley. The film released by Universal Studios, is rated PG-13 (in the United States) for crude and sex-related humor, nudity, language, some violence and brief drug content.
It went through a number of title changes before the producers finally settled on "Screwed"; preliminary titles included "Pittsburgh" (the name of the Pennsylvania city in which the film takes place) and also "Ballbusted" (due to Stritch's character's harshness exhibited throughout the movie; at one point, Chappelle's character refers to her as a "ballbuster").Synopsis
Willard Fillmore est le chauffeur de la richissime Mme Virginia Crock, une patronne détestable. Il satisfait toujours ses exigences, tandis qu'elle ne cesse de l'humilier. Willard ne supporte plus cette situation qui dure depuis quinze ans. Il a donc décidé de kidnapper son chien préféré. Pour ce faire, il s'adjoint l'aide de son meilleur ami, Rusty P. Hayes, et de Glover Cleaver, un entrepreneur de pompes funèbres peu scrupuleux.