Meghdhanushya — The Colour of Life (2013) is the first movie to positively feature the gay community in Indian Gujarati cinema. It is directed by Dr K R Devmani and produced by Mahendra Bhai Patel, with narration by Manvendra Singh Gohil and Sylvester Merchant. It has been chosen as India’s entry to the Oscars.
This film portrays how lesbians and gay men have a part in society, and shows their situations and conditions they experience. Gohil notes that even five years ago the film would have been received negatively, but now has received an "A" ("Adults Only") rating from the Censor Board of India.
Because of the subject matter the filmmaker has had to seek legal relief to get the same tax incentives of other films. They also faced censorship issues.Synopsis
In the film, three stages of life have been shown: childhood, youth, and adulthood. The protagonist is Tanmay, a gay man who during childhood adopts feminine behaviours, concerning his parents. They consult a doctor, and apply parental and social pressure to modify their son. During his youth, he is pressured to marry, and derided by his fellow college students as "special". Eventually, he is forced to leave his home.