Motor Sundaram Pillai is a 1966 Indian Tamil drama film, directed by Balu and produced by S. S. Vasan under the banner of Gemini Studios. The film features Sivaji Ganesan playing the title role with an ensemble cast of Ravichandran, Sivakumar, Nagesh, Kanchana, Sowcar Janaki and Jayalalithaa in supporting roles. The story is based on Liam O'Brien's play The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker which itself was inspired by a real life incident.Synopsis
Sundaram Pillai (Sivaji Ganesan), a self made industrialist who has a motor company of his own. He is portrayed to have established a good name for himself and looks the typical classic upper-class gentleman. He has a huge family of roughly eight children ; three of them are grownups while the others are kids in primary classes. While Kanchana is the eldest daughter married to Siva Kumar, Jayalalitha and Sailasri are the two other grownup unmarried daughters. Jayalalitha is in love with Ravichandran , the son of a college principal and Saialsri falls in love with the brother of a friend.