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Nai Zindagi (1943)

Nai Zindagi
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Nai Zindagi is a Bollywood film. It was released in 1943.


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Beqasoor (1950)

Acteurs Madhubala, Ajit Khan, Yakub, Gope, Durga Khote
Note16% 0.8419650.8419650.8419650.8419650.841965
A young, simple girl is caught in the cross-fire of a deep-rooted sibling rivalry between her upright husband and her scheming brother-in-law. The brother-in-law exploits the girl's naiveté and trusting nature to falsely implicate her husband in a corruption case, and turns husband against wife by wrongly vilifying her character.
Ghar Ki Izzat, 2h8
Acteurs Dilip Kumar, Gope, Jeevan, Manorama
Note57% 2.864192.864192.864192.864192.86419
Chandra (Dilip Kumar, a young lawyer, lives in a well-to-do joint family with his parents, sister Radhika (Manorama) and sister's husband, Chaman (Gope). Chaman is made to do all the house-hold chores as he lives on the sustenance provided by his wife's family. When Chaman is insulted by his other-in-law, Radhika steps in and walks out of the house with her husband. They start a small business outside the city and soon start doing well. Here Chandra on a visit to his sister meets Roopa (Mumtaz Shanti), who lives a poor lifestyle with her older unemployed brother Moti (Jeevan) and a younger brother Gulab studying in school. To make a living Roopa runs a school. Chandra and Roopa fall in love and are married despite their financial differences. However, the in-laws soon start taunting Roopa about her previous poor state and slowly make her life miserable. Chandra is too weak to stand up to his mother, and to avoid the domestic scene at home takes to drinking and gambling. Matters are set right when Radhika comes for a visit, and after a stern lecture from her, everyone mends their ways and live peacefully.