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Ondu Cinema Kathe est un film réalisé par H.S. Phani Ramachandra avec Anant Nag

Ondu Cinema Kathe (1992)

Ondu Cinema Kathe
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Durée 2h14

Ondu Cinema Kathe (Kannada: ಒಂದು ಸಿನಿಮಾ ಕಥೆ) is a 1992 Indian Kannada language film directed by Phani Ramachandra and written by Shyamasundara Kulkarni. The film starred Ananth Nag, Anjana, Abhilasha and Mukhyamantri Chandru in the lead roles. The music was composed by Rajan-Nagendra and the dialogues were written by Chi. Udaya Shankar. The film was declared a comical hit at the box-office upon its release.


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