Para Elisa (also known as For Elisa) is a 2013 thriller film directed and written by Juanra Fernández. The film stars Ona Casamiquela as a college student that accepts a job from a wealthy former piano player that wants a caretaker for her mentally challenged daughter. The film's name is a take on the Beethoven composition Für Elise.
Filming for Para Elisa took place during August 2012 in Cuenca, Spain. In an article for ABC Fernández noted that it was difficult to film in the region, as the region did not have a pre-existing film industry.Synopsis
When college student Ana (Ona Casamiquela) agrees to work as a caretaker for the mentally challenged Elisa (Ana Turpin), she initially sees it as just a way to pay for a post-graduation trip. Ana sets about her job, as she doesn't believe Elisa is too overly difficult to care for, only to soon realize that Elisa's overbearing mother Diamantina (Luisa Gavasa) is more than just an eccentric and wealthy matron. Diamantina is also mentally unstable and kidnaps Ana with the intention of keeping her in the house forever.