Queen of Blood is a 2013 vampire film that was written and directed by Chris Alexander and is a follow-up to his 2012 film Blood for Irina. The film had its world premiere on 4 April 2014 at the International Horror and Sci-Fi Film Festival and has actress Shauna Henry returning to reprise the character of Irina. A DVD and VOD release will occur in September 2015.
Alexander shot part of the film using his iPhone and stated that "my recurring effect of swirling blood and colored chemicals are captured by the iPhone with absolutely no color correcting or post-production interference." Of the film's inspiration, Alexander wanted to create a "vampire version of Werner Herzog’s Aguirre, the Wrath of God, and, so, I wrote a theme that reminded me a little bit of the late, great Popol Vuh’s work on Aguirre".Synopsis
The vampiress Irina (Shauna Henry) has been reborn and has set her sights on a pregnant young widow (Carrie Gemmell), intent on claiming the woman's child as her own.