Raakh (English: Ashes) is a 1989 Indian crime thriller film starring Aamir Khan, Pankaj Kapoor, Supriya Pathak, Gajanan Bangera and Jagdeep. The revenge thriller film was directed by Aditya Bhattacharya, son of director, Basu Bhattacharya.
The film was Aamir Khan's first movie after QSQT and it received much critical acclaim and subsequently three National Film Awards in 1989 and developed considerable following over the years. The film also marked the Bollywood debut of ace cinematographer Santosh Sivan, and film editor A. Sreekar Prasad.Synopsis
As declared in the subtitles of the opening scene, the events of the film takes place in a big city in India. After the police riots of 1990, the State Forces were disbanded and replaced by a central one. The police now had more powers. The crime rate continued to escalate. In the wealthier quarters of the city though, life went on… but it was an uneasy calm.