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Sen Ne Dilersen est un film de genre Drame avec Mehmet Fikret Kuşkan

Sen Ne Dilersen (2005)

Sen Ne Dilersen
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Durée 1h33
Genres Drame,    Comédie
Note61% 3.097083.097083.097083.097083.09708

Sen Ne Dilersen (International English title:Whatever You Wish) is a drama movie directed by Cem Başekioğlu. It was the director's debut full-length movie, as well as Işın Karaca's debut leading role, a Turkish pop singer. Famous actors like Fikret Kuşkan and Yıldız Kenter starred in the film. Leading lady "Eleni" who is portrayed by Işık Yenersu, a well-known actress in Turkey, has cancer in the film. Işık Yenersu has also suffered from cancer in real life during the production of the film.

The movie tells a thirty-year story of a Greek family who lives in Turkey.


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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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