The President Is Coming is a 2009 Indian satirical mockumentary film directed by Kunaal Roy Kapur based on his play by the same title which premiered at the Royal Court/Rage Theatre Festival in Mumbai in January 2006. The film, written by Anuvab Pal, marks Kapur's debut as a director and features an ensemble cast including Konkona Sen Sharma as a Bengali writer and a social activist. The film explores a day in the life of 6 contestants who will stop at nothing as the US President is coming to town. Konkona plays Maya Roy, one of the six contestants who will represent New India in front of the President.Synopsis
In 2006, George W. Bush, President of the United States, visited India. In addition to the many diplomatic and political things on the agenda was a rather unique event — a meeting with the young faces responsible for shaping "The New India". The six contestants are Maya Roy India's best young Writer, Ajay Karlekar India's best young Social Activist, Archana Kapoor India's best young Indian Entrepreneur, Rohit Seth Call Center Accent Trainer, Kapil Dev Dholakia India's best young Stock Investor, Ramesh S Software Engineer.