The Stranger Within is a 1974 science fiction made-for-television film that premiered as the ABC Movie of the Week on October 1, 1974. The film was inspired by Rosemary's Baby, but included a science-fiction twist.
The film was directed by Lee Philips and starred Barbara Eden and George Grizzard.Synopsis
Ann Collins (Barbara Eden), a painter, and her husband David Collins (George Grizzard) are expecting a baby. What confuses the couple is that David has had a vasectomy, and Ann is not supposed to be pregnant. Even though David suspects that Ann has been unfaithful to him, he stays with her. Because Ann has had pregnancy troubles in the past that has put her health at risk, David wants Ann to get an abortion, but every time the two try to go to get the procedure done, Ann experiences extreme labor pains and can never go through with the procedure.