2033 also billed as 2033: Future Apocalypse (in Spanish as 2033 and 2033: La Ilusion de un Futuro Mejor) is a Mexican film that premiered on 24 September 2009 at the Fantastisk Film Festival Lund, Sweden). It was the directorial debut for the director, Francisco Laresgoiti. Regarding the title, Laresgotiti said that he "initially call it VCR 2026, (Viva Cristo Rey 2026), the motto of the Cristeros, as this would define the ideology of the tape, but decided to use 2033 as mythically speaking would be the two thousandth anniversary the death of Jesus Christ." The film was intended to be a trilogy, but the two sequels had not been written as of 2008.Synopsis
2033. Mexico est devenue une cité tentaculaire, régie par un gouvernement totalitaire. La société est désormais divisée en castes. Pablo appartient à l’élite : jeune financier sans scrupules, il profite du système et s’adonne sans compter aux plaisirs et à la drogue. Mais le jour où il rencontre Lucia, sa vie bascule : cette jeune scientifique est en réalité membre de la Rébellion. Elle va lui ouvrir les yeux sur les intentions véritables du pouvoir en place...