Arizona Sky is a 2008 independent gay-themed romantic drama that was written, directed, and produced by Jeff London. Filmed in Lake Havasu City, Arizona and Bakersfield, California in the spirit of Brokeback Mountain, Arizona Sky follows the lives of two young men from rural America who fall in love as teenagers and find a way to rekindle that love later in life.Synopsis
Arizona Sky is a romantic story of two high school buddies who reconnect with desire in their hearts. As the film opens, the teenagers Kyle (Kyle Buckland) and Jake (Blaise Embry) are getting together for what appears to be a regular ritual of sleeping under the desert stars. The passions of first love are evident in these two young men. They eat some supper and then curl up on blankets for an evening of necking in the back of Kyle’s truck. This happy interlude is at an end, as Jake is set to move with his dad to the big city.