Cigarette Ki Tarah is a romantic thriller movie, featuring Bhoop Yaduvanshi, Prashant Narayanan, Madhurima Tuli, Sudesh Berry and others in their respective roles. Directed by Akashaditya Lama, the film is being produced under the banner of P. Y. Films Pvt. Ltd. While the music is composed by Sudeep Banerjee, Kavita Seth, Ankur Mishra and Viraj Sawant, the lyrics have been written by Ajay Jhingran, Kaushal Kishore and Dev Shukla. Choreography in the movie is done by Vivek Yadav and Longines Fernandes.
A dispute between the director and producers over the editing of the picture led to a lawsuit in the Mumbai High Court, and eventually to what the director characterized as a "compromise" and an "edited version that did not meet my creative vision".Synopsis
A guy falls in love blindly with a young beautiful girl. This blind love leads him into deep trouble, and further separates him from other people like one man versus the entire world. In these dark situations, where one surely gives up on everything, he doesn't, and thus keeps on believing and trusting on his blind love, which eventually shows him all the ways to be out from all the difficulties.