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Hari Bhari est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Shyam Benegal avec Shabana Azmi

Hari Bhari (2000)

Hari Bhari
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Durée 2h14
Réalisé par
Genres Drame
Themes Féminisme,    Politique
Note73% 3.6942753.6942753.6942753.6942753.694275

Hari-Bhari (Fertility) is 2000 Hindi film by Shyam Benegal, starring Shabana Azmi, Rajit Kapur, Rajeshwari Sachdev, Surekha Sikri and Nandita Das in lead roles.

The film revolves around the story of five women, belonging to different generations, each looking emancipation and the right to run their lives their own way. The film's main theme is the issue of women's 'fertility rights' empowerment.

The film won the 2000 National Film Award for Best Film on Family Welfare.


The movie tells the story of a middle aged Muslim woman Gazala (Shabana Azmi), who is ill treated by her husband and sent back to her parent's home, just because she is unable to give birth to a son. Gazala does have a daughter Salma (Rajeshwari Sachdev). The plot revolves around Gazala's stay at her mother's home and the problems faced by the women of the house, being her mother and sisters-in-law. The film is a beautiful description of the problems faced by women in the name of fertility, or in a different sense the urge to have a male child, especially in rural India. Shyam Benegal provides a masterpiece, reflecting on the sorrowful plight of rural Indian women. The irony lies in the point where the movie begins with a scene which shows a bull being brought to impregnate a buffalo. Five different women, each with a different story depicting the harsh realities of a woman's life.


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Source : Wikidata


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Junoon (1978)
, 2h21
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Sardari Begum, 2h15
Réalisé par Shyam Benegal
Genres Drame
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Note70% 3.5249653.5249653.5249653.5249653.524965
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Mammo (1994)
, 2h10
Réalisé par Shyam Benegal
Genres Drame
Acteurs Farida Jalal, Surekha Sikri, Sanjay Batra, Rajit Kapur, Rajeshwari Sachdev, Himani Shivpuri
Note77% 3.871643.871643.871643.871643.87164
13-year-old Riyaz (Amit Phalke) lives a poor lifestyle in Bombay, India, with his grandmother, Fayyuzi (Surekha Sikri), and her sister, Mehmooda Begum alias Mammo (Farida Jalal). Quite outspoken and embittered over his dad abandoning him, Riyaz does not have many friends, save for Rohan. When Mammo plans a surprise birthday party for him, Riyaz is offended as he believes his friends will make fun of him as his lifestyle is not as good as theirs. Fayyuzi and Riyaz have an argument with Mammo, and she leaves for the mosque at Haji Ali; she returns when they apologize. Although Mammo was born in Panipat during the British Raj, she was one of thousands of Muslims who left for Pakistan after Partition. She and her husband automatically become Pakistani citizens. Although childless, her marriage is a happy one until her husband's death. Over property matters, Mammo is thrown out of the house by her relatives.
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